Mandarin Learning Center (Beaverton, OR)

Study at any level, from beginner to expert.
Online and In-person Tutoring
We've Helped 100s of Students Learn Mandarin
Child and Adult Classes
One-on-One Conversation and Learning
Fun, Fast-Paced Curriculum and Step-by-Step Learning
HSK Preparation and Vocabulary Lists
Your Language Learning Success
Focus on your aim
Every achievement acknowledged
Personalized learning
We create the lesson while you focus on your aim. Our trained tutors are dedicated to work with you weekly by using the Mandarin Learning Center's program.
Receive a Certificate of Completion for every completed level. Your success story will be shared on our social media pages as an encouragement to others.
Pre-signup assessment with our tutors will help you personalize your approach to learning and help you reach your language learning goal.
Testimonials From Parents & Students
“We got very lucky when we were recommended this program by a friend. The teachers are excellent: Very accommodating and they make learning very fun so the child is always engaged. The 'one to one' experience in our case gives it a very customized Chinese learning experience. Different games (e.g. uno) are played using Mandarin colors, words, numbers and there is a lot of laughter, thought and learning in the process. We highly recommend Mandarin learning center for any one (child or adult) with a desire to learn the Mandarin language.”
Parents: Erum T.
“We have been customers of the Mandarin Learning Center for several years now. We love Steve and his staff. My daughter has learned so much in a short period of time. I hope to continue to use the school for many more years to come. I highly recommend this program for all ages. You will not be disappointed.”
Parents: Andee & Bill M.
“Excellent centre. My son has been attending for a couple of years now and absolutely loves the home class service. MLC team has been very supportive on his journey learning mandarin and bring a lot of innovation including role play and games to help kids learn the language in a comfortable manner. Definitely recommend them for anybody looking to learn Mandarin.”
Parents: Faisal H.
“I learnt the differences between have and want. In addition I gained knowledge on sharing preferences with "Xihuan" (To like something). Thank you.”
Student: Raj
“I learned a lot of new words and common phrases from this lesson, and there is also Uno, which is great for learning more phrases. I also know that practicing is needed for a test or lesson for any language!”
Student: Jayaram