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Mandarin Learning Center (Beaverton, OR)

Rates & Enrollment For Forms
The Mandarin Learning Center is a firm believer that anyone can learn something new if they start with the basics. It's easy to look at the sea of characters and get lost in all of the areas of this incredible language! That is why our founding tutor developed his own courses to help with tutoring students one on one so they could create a solid foundation from which to grow. Today these courses are available online to help bring our teaching methods into the 21st century.
Out of Area Transportation Charge
Please select this when tutors are traveling more than 10 miles from our office.
Rate: $15 Per Trip
In-Person Tutoring
Tutoring delivered at our office in Hillsboro.
Rate: $45 Per Hour
Children's Group Class
Kids participate in group activities with each other.
Rate: $35 Per Hour
In-Person Remote
In-Person tutoring at your favorite location or at home.
Rate: $55 Per Hour
Adult Group Class
Have a class with a friend or group of people at our office location.
Rate: $35 Per Hour
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